I am not really enjoyed the time in Bangkok because i am so much tired from travel around in Bangkok as i told you i went there to applied my Residence permit in Danish Embassy,i had to ride Motor bike, Van, Sky train and walk. long way more then a Marathon! i took the bus to Bangkok and lived with my aunt from her house to Embassy it pretty far it took me about 2 hours, so much traffic OHHH Man Busy and Hurry City! well i am finished about Application and now it's time fore being waiting again but i feel better then last time, less stress and worry. I came back home last Tuesday morning by the bus. i almost missed the bus back home because i forgot it's long holiday in Thailand. all the bus full. i got the bus in the last company and last back seat, bad seat, everything bad with this trip to come back home, my seat can not lay down. they said its a special seat and it's really! I would sleep thru most of the ride BUT I DIDN"T!!! i sit beside the window jump all the time. my head hit the window all the time as well. have a boy sit next to me he lay down on the seat head on his mom lap, his feet is on my way. "he kicked me"many time and very mad and i always push his feet away from me that's made him woke up. How fun is it you can not imagine! GRRRRR
On the way i got car sick normally it's happen to me. i want to jump out from the bus , feel really bad very dizzy but i am very patient to not Vomit on other head! i would like to lol...
i came home straight on my bed and sleep as long as i can, no food nothing i just want to sleep. now i am better much better.see how strong am i.
It's only 2 more day for the rest time before school open new 2nd team. This team i will have only 1 boy left. my little student girl Benz moved to other School because her dad want her and her brother studies in Thai program not Bilingual anymore. she called my often some time send sms how cute she is. Yesterday she called but i was sleeping after got back from bkk i call her back later that day. She told me manything happening with her and her brother during the school break she always keep saying "I miss you Kru Jeab, I want to see you, i want to learn with you, you are funny" i was have tear in my eyes and i said i love you too, i miss you too and please come back! after that her brother Andrew talked to me on the phone, he is 4th grade but after lunch and after school while they waiting for the parent come to get them we always play Frisbee, eat snack, talking. he said the same thing as benz said he miss me and he love me and you know he's ask if i am crying i said i am not but its him start crying and gave the phone back to benz then he ran away to the toilet. I told Benz if she have any problem want to talk "just Call me" i can not say much ,manything not good happened with them. When the school open we all will miss them for sure!
Apha, Andrew& Benz
As i said my journey its begin again. i don't know and i can not say what is going on my next month or next 2 month feel settled in for the most part.This time for going to Denmark I hope i will get my own way too...I still don't know where am I going tough maybe know but just not sure. just walk step by step now and hopefully i will find my way in this journey..
I'm feeling hopeful today- maybe because it's sooo sunny out. The day started off sunny after rain almost everyday and it's still sunny!! I think the rainy season is just about over and starting cold season soon . All bright, bright sunshiny days from now until next May??
Be of good courage, and he shall strengthen your heart, all ye that hope in the LORD. Passage Psalm 31:24
Thank you for spend your time to read my blog, Bless you&Love you.