The sun. That is all people ever talk about here, if the sun in shining, everyone will go out and be in the sun, even if it's freaking cold as heck. I can honestly say that Swedes are obsessed with the sun. That's not even an exaggeration. Now its getting dark so quickly around 5 pm in the evening and the time was changed this morning that is mean here is 6 hours behind from Thailand. Day time will getting shorter until the sun will set at 3 pm. It will be super crazy watching the sunset in the middle of the afternoon! Now everywhere is kinda like gold and yellow there look very pretty and romantic..I love Fall!! Autumn in my heart LOL..
Actually now its not too cold yet i am still feel ok. I think this week the school will have the fall break for a week because 2 of the kids they are not going to school but i didn't feel any different coz i still work as the same thing everyday. The past weekend Me and my friends was made farewell dinner for our cute friend who will leave to go back home in this Wednesday, we cook Kow man Kai. you can see on the picture below, very simple and easy to made this dish.
I don't know if i mentioned about this before, but i have been really tired and get homesick alot lately but i still love to being here in Sweden. I didn't feel too bad but i am just too tired and was not eat enough. last Friday i was took two kids to Halloween party and i was made big mistakes to eat Cinnamon. I'm not realize or can smell its was that apply pumpkin dipping sauce was mix with cinnamon until i was going to ask the lady who made it coz it was yummy and i want to know the recipes how to make it. But i got a bad luck. I came back home quickly to take my allergic pill but its was abit late. I got chock and hard to breath. in one hour i drank 6 bottles of water and try to get rid of it out of my body. It's was really helpful, after i feel better with breathing my eyes getting swollen and sore but its not that bad i still can go out and met friends next day. From now on i have to have carefully about Cinnamon again and just wish i will not get a bad luck anymore.
I am not really have much thing for update right now not sure why seem like my brain need to rebooting. I promise i will update again pretty soon after i get rid of numb feeling away. I knew before i came to live in Sweden that everyday here will not be happy and wonderful for me. As you know I am not the best, but I'm trying my best ! anything changing but I am Jeab who will never change! God natt, Hej då
Puss & Kram