now actually Autumn is arrived here in Sweden so the sunny season has finished. The weather getting colder really quick. last week at night time the temperature can drop down to -5, Oh my goodness but i was not surprised anymore haha!!!..
I've tried to spend as much time outside as possible before the winter sets in. The countryside is wonderful around Flen, where I live now, and I went for a slow walk in the woods, trying to find some mushrooms (kantarell) i just look for just one kind of mushrooms. When you look around everywhere are turn yellow and red i think this time is the one of the beautiful season in Sweden.
It has been a really busy in last two month after last post. It's basically been busy with my language school. I just have done my National exam in Swedish language about two weeks ago, the good news is i passed exam and get a Good grade to go to next level ( if you not pass you have to stay in same class for maybe 2-3 months more). on the exam there have four part listening, reading,writing and speaking all in Swedish. I think I did a good job after study Swedish in five months. My swedish is getting much better now i can understand about 60-70 % but still abit stuck with speaking but i will keep trying more harder!
I am exhausted every week day after school coz i start school at 8.30 untill 15.00 some day untill 16.30 fulltime student! This is the one reason thats i not writing anything for update on my blog.. Sorry :-(
Well i will try to keep updating as much as i have things to update. Its might be abit quiet but in my blog there had lots of fun and interesting post that you can read again. Have fun.. Thanks everyone to reading my blog, See you next time, Hej då. kram kram
My pets!