The dream is becoming a reality! as many of you know i am currently preparing and get ready to start my Aupair life in Denmark. so there still isn't much to update you on as far as my travel plans to go as you can see on my passport No Visa it's just said to me to save this page for Visa stamp!OHH Come on ...i was telling someone the other day about my upcoming trip to Denmark and they asked "why Denmark?" i quickly answered "why not?" this trip is just "a great opportunity" and something to do "while i'm still young and unattached". but i think there is more to it than that. its hard to put into words exactly why i have chosen to go overseas for being an Aupair rather than teaching in Chiangmai. i know that it's completely not the same kind of learning can (and most likely will)
Every day during the week i always have my cell phone with me normally i am not really stuck with a cell phone it's just because i am on the way to waiting for Danish Embassy to call me and let me know i get a Visa it's made me being crazy.I don't know exactly when i will get it just have to waiting and be patient like this and i realized that's I'm not that patient person at all as i said before..but what can i do...just pray and wish A dream will come true, many friends they're said to me in Thai "Jai Yen Yen" that's normal for Thai peoples will always say to you, Kinda funny but i think i like it because it just the way i can do for now!
well i've hit the one month mark.soon i will be on a plane that will be taking me to the other side of the world for 18 months to start to be an Aupair. i've certainly not prepare or start to do anything to get ready for my stuffs that's i will take to there for living so far as..
i have No plane ticket yet.
i have a passport and waiting for visa.
i have a place to live and have foods to eat.
I have work to do.
i have learn that i will be living in -5 or more degree celsius weather, i can't imagine at all what is going on me when the weather like that!!
i have not packed or prepare anything, no suitcase,no super warm clothes.
i have not been hit with the reality of this whole thing.
I still have no idea what i am gonna tell the school and my students where i am teaching now why i will leave, actually i have the reasons but as you know it's pretty hard to say that you gonna leave and say good bye them.I like to be a teacher in this school i like to help them and growing this school and pass the hard time with them as a team work but i still want to making up my dream,i want to tell them as soon as i can after i get a visa i know that's kinda like being selfish but it's just the way i can do it for now but can't just someone tell me something i don't know!!!!
well i think that's all i have for now. keep checking back for updates cause this is the best place to find what going on me. hope everyone has a great week. God bless! look on Aupair Diaries
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