Now winter is arrived, It is becoming so incredibly depressing seeing the sun go down at 3:30pm, and it’s setting sooner each day. One thing I’ve noticed about the darkness is that people are putting up more lights. I cant say for sure if they are Christmas lights, but they make me feel happy anyways .
SFI is getting more boring this week ,i can say i am not happy with class 3D at all. I think class 3C is more harder than class 3D and i gain alot of knowlege of Swedish language in that class. I feel really disappointed on class 3D. It was the teacher that was the problem and well I guess a bit of the schools fault for not correcting the problem even though so many people have complained. I miss my 3C class teacher, she is fantastic teacher in SFI.
I feel more better to go to study at Eductus ( A large, professional company that helps people to find jobs and offer education nationwide.) Its another class i go to study everyday after SFI but my time at Eductus is ended and i hope i can start again next January for another 6 months. Everyday I mostly just go to SFI class come home, make dinner, then watch tv and do some studying here and there. I am looking forward to next January when i will start SAS Grund nivå (primary school)
I’ve gotten pretty good with my Swedish by speak with my friends at school who can't speak english, talking with my bf or swedish peoples around when i am out for something, but there are still times when I suddenly feel shy or nervous for some reason.
This year i got a bit earlier xmas gift. It is a new boots for my feet to survive in this winter again. I had a problem with my toe when i was here in my first winter in Sweden. Its called Chilblains until now. I am starting iitchy all my toe but i hope this year gonna be better then last other year keep fingers crossed...
Soon in every window there will be the “Star lights”. everywhere full of snow, the tea candles, the pepparkakor (gingerbread), hearing Santa Lucia echo against the walls of a cathedral, ice skating, the amazing pink sky. The Christmas markets, lovikka mittens, scarves, hat that swallowed my head... that stuff was all quite nice.
Though I am dreading the disappearance of the sun, the arrival of Christmas, snow, and all things cozy. Swedish Winter, I ask that you be a little more gentle this year (I’d like to continue riding my bike), but know that I appreciate you for the above reasons and also for the fact that you make the anticipation of spring and endless summer nights that much more intense.
Jag älska mitt liv in sverige. Jag har den bästa killen bredvid mig och hans söt familj hälsar mig alltid välkommen. Många glada gjur nära mig och runt vårat hus, många sorters olika väder, mitt liv i sverige har lärt mig laga god mat. Se hela underbara världer från mitt öppna hjärta, jag har lärt mig att älska det som har hänt mig!! Svenska är ibland jättesvårt...
Thanks you to come to visit my blog. Bye for now see again in next post soon! Bless you
Vi ses.. Hej då!.... puss o kram
Star light
My Canada snow boots!
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