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My Lagom Life Here In Sweden! What is Lagom? it doesn’t actually have an English equivalent (which could explain a lot) and it’s hard to translate directly. But it basically means: just the right amount. Lagom doesn’t have the negative connotation of “sufficient” It works in a lot of different contexts.
When searching for unique words, this one was always proudly suggested. “How are you?” can be answered with lagom. “How is the weather?” “Lagom” Someone can be a “lagom” height. This term not only has many applications but it represents the Swedish cultural and social ideals of equality and fairness.So the word itself is now being used in everyday settings to mean “average” or “just right.” This is Lagom!
What have I been doing lately? Sometimes this question can be quite scary..because time flies too fast! I can´t believe that it´s already 2015, I lived in Sweden for 4 years now !!! I am currently studing swedish as a secound language in highschool level (gymnasienivå) and I also studying Vocational programs (adult education) about Child and recreation education (distance). I can say my life is really busy right now. Full time study.
I can explain to you guys about education here after SFI, Swedish for immigrants or ‘Svenska för invandrare’. SFI is basic Swedish language training for adults who are not Swedish native speakers. There are two possible options within SFI: General (SFI) and Academic (SFI för akademiker). Both groups follow the same program. The word ‘Academic’ means that people in this group have academic background (any studies at university level in any country). It is assumed, that people with academic background learn faster. The ‘Academic’ group starts SFI at C-level (see the scheme), so it skips A and B-levels.
After SFI, most of people go to the Grundläggande course is a preparatory course for the studies in Gymnasium. After passing this course, you will move to the next level – Komvux (KOMmunal VUXenutbildning, ‘municipal adult education’). It is a form of secondary education for adults in Sweden. It is primarily intended for adults who did achieve the grades needed for higher education.
After Grundläggande course you go to the Gymnasium level courses: Svenska som Andra Språk 1 (SvAS 1, SvAS 2 and SvAS 3.) Gymnasium level means that now you have an ability to study on Swedish Gymnasium level. This doesn’t only include Swedish language. You can choose different courses and subjects (English, Math, etc). Its depends on what do you want to study in University. Gymnasium - is a preparatory level for the university studies, so both Swedish people and immigrants, who completed Grundläggande level in Swedish language, study there. So now I am right here! and I have one more semester left until go to the next step to attend to University here.
At the end of SvAS 1 and SvAS 3 courses you have to write ‘Nationella prov’ (national test). It’s a school exam in Swedish, which is the same in all the schools in Sweden. This exam is considered to be very important. Swedish students who study Swedish as a subject on Gymnasium level and immigrants, studying Swedish as a foreign language, get the same test, but their papers are estimated differently. After completing SvAS3 level, you are allowed to apply for University programmes in Swedish language. So just like this. I am on my way.. hehe
Last February I've been back to Thailand for 3 weeks with my boyfriend's family for joining my wedding ceremony in Chiang Mai. We went to phuket for 5 days then in Chiang Mai for the rest of our trip. Well, I am Engaged :) So we will have a Swedish wedding ceremony again at church (Floda kyrka) in this coming summer. My family in Thailand will be here as well.. yippee!!! It´s gonna be fun! Have fun with some of my cool pics in CM under here!!
Have a great day. Bless you all :) Hey då
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