If you can choose,Do you want to be a Recipient or Giver?? for me i want to be both but in the reality for my whole life not many time i am a recipient, not many peoples they giving me.When you do something to others i am sure you all still have some hope that something will return right?
Many Peoples said Great Pleasure is to be a giver not a recipients.what do you think? manytime i still have hope that i will get something good return when i do something good. Do i get it? yes i do get but its really hard to happen with me each time.Most of the time i am happy to be a giver, i don't mind if others will think about me at first when they get in to trouble and never think about me when they are happy. That mean i am still worth enough to help others and still important to many peoples who need help from me.
Mr.RC said "Good people are not selfish" and i said " I am not a good person that's why i still want to be selfish" lol
Mrs.Connie said "Remember you are the example they are all looking at!" I try to be haha
Mama said" Keep doing"
Mrs.Connie said "Remember you are the example they are all looking at!" I try to be haha
Mama said" Keep doing"
Why i giving to others and why i can not giving to help my self? sometime i just need one person who will sit and listen to me and hang out with me when i get stress from work, for comfort me or whatever. Many time after hang out with friends who i though they are good friends for me but after that i get more stress. Everyday from now i will try to rejoice what i get and respect what i lose! maybe i should hang out alone as before, its the best way..I didn't angry at them but i look back at my self maybe i am not good enough to be with other, i don't want them to get into trouble because of me. i am tired!
Lately Connie, Richard and i we was help a girl changed her mind to do abortion. She called one evening after i finished work at school, she said " p' Alex i need your help" i answer " yes don't tell me you are have a baby" she laugh and i said "ok tomorrow evening i will go meet you". next day i met her and we have talked a lot about it and took her to the clinic and check if he really pregnant. when i saw her at first i already know she is, she said she love her baby but she not ready and don't want to have a baby right now, who is a father also said like that.(they are not marry)
she just 19 years old. i told her can not to do abortion because she pregnant already 5 months, too dangerous for her and i don't want her to kill new life that gonna be here soon then i took her to meet Connie&Richard at home, we have talked for awhile and in the end she said"she will keep her baby". she want to quit the job and stay somewhere,i know because she shy but Connie and Richard gave her an advice that she should keep her job better. she will go back to her home soon to tell her parent and getting marry with that man. Hope everything will be ok for her. I am glad what i have done that i can save one more life.
Nothing really much for update. I am just feeling bored and tired, got abit bad health but i am ok just need to run more but lazy! Thank you for you all to read my story..Love you
Lately Connie, Richard and i we was help a girl changed her mind to do abortion. She called one evening after i finished work at school, she said " p' Alex i need your help" i answer " yes don't tell me you are have a baby" she laugh and i said "ok tomorrow evening i will go meet you". next day i met her and we have talked a lot about it and took her to the clinic and check if he really pregnant. when i saw her at first i already know she is, she said she love her baby but she not ready and don't want to have a baby right now, who is a father also said like that.(they are not marry)
she just 19 years old. i told her can not to do abortion because she pregnant already 5 months, too dangerous for her and i don't want her to kill new life that gonna be here soon then i took her to meet Connie&Richard at home, we have talked for awhile and in the end she said"she will keep her baby". she want to quit the job and stay somewhere,i know because she shy but Connie and Richard gave her an advice that she should keep her job better. she will go back to her home soon to tell her parent and getting marry with that man. Hope everything will be ok for her. I am glad what i have done that i can save one more life.
Nothing really much for update. I am just feeling bored and tired, got abit bad health but i am ok just need to run more but lazy! Thank you for you all to read my story..Love you
35 In everything I did, I showed you that by this kind of hard work we must help the weak, remembering the words the Lord Jesus himself said: ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive. Acts 20:35 (New International Version, ©2010)
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